Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ROWE - a new approach to work

Results-Only Work Environment. Just heard about that in the latest TED video of Dan Pink.
It's this "revolutionary" idea that companies only require for the work to be done, but do not impose fixed schedules. People can work from wherever they want, whenever they want.
That means, no need to change your computer screen away from facebook or closing your chats as soon as you hear your boss approaching, or pretending to look busy while counting the minutes left til the clock hits 5pm. No need to take "sick days" - conveniently always on a Friday or a Monday to take off for a long week-end, or rush away from your morning snuggles..

I have never understood this in "regular" jobs. The idea of having to pretend you are busy when you are not and just sit there and waste your mind away. Companies that have started implementing ROWE are showing tremendous results: Improved workforce productivity up to 41% and reduced voluntary turnover rates (as much as 90%).

It just make so much sense to me. You are happier at your job, so put more passion and loyalty into it, and at the same time you get to spend more time on the important things like your family.

As any European will probably agree, the US work standards of 10-days vacation/year are not worth the increased productivity it may bring. I cannot understand how one can function on only 10 days break a year. How are you supposed to find time to travel? Recover from stress and lack of sleep? 10 days is inhumane!!! (Especially when you have a mom in France, a dad in Italy, a grandmother in Switzerland and friends to see around the world! ;)
ROWE at least makes up for it.

Now of course there are also some flaws. You really have to be self-disciplined and focused. And working from home can get boring too. But as long as I can I will hold on to the freedom I have of writing this blog at 11am on a week day from the comforts of my bed.

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